The Supreme Court’s Michigan Affirmative Action Decision: Part II of our Coffee House Conversation

Picking up where we left off in Part I … LARRY:  What took you so long to get coffee? JOHN:   Some woman was holding up the line, trying to buy coffee for what appeared to be a group of four 14-year-olds. Do kids really drink coffee when they’re that young these days? LARRY:  Who the …

The Supreme Court’s Michigan Affirmative Action Decision Boiled Down to a Coffee House Conversation

I hope everyone had a great MLK Day this year. I like to imagine that in lieu of going to work on MLK Day, people all over the country spend an hour or so at a coffee shop, bar or even at the kitchen table discussing (at least thinking about) racial diversity. Towards that end, …

Affirmative Action—Revisited by the Supreme Court

Happy MLK Day! This year, I continue my annual tradition of writing about issues of race and diversity with a preview of the Supreme Court’s decision in Fisher v. University of Texas, which should be decided within the next month or two. The case considers whether UT’s use of race in its admissions process is …